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AKS Metrics & Logging


AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) is a managed Kubernetes service provided by Microsoft Azure that simplifies the deployment, management, and operations of Kubernetes clusters.


  • AKS cluster
  • kubectl installed and logged in to the AKS cluster
  • Helm

Quick Start

This setup is similar to the central collector but with a different function.

helm repo add signoz <>
helm install -n signoz --create-namespace kubelet-otel signoz/k8s-infra \\
--set signozApiKey=<ingestionKey> --set otelCollectorEndpoint="ingest.<region>" --set otelInsecure=false


If you encounter any issues while setting up logging and metrics for your AKS cluster, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the logs of the OpenTelemetry Collector:

    kubectl logs -f -n signoz -l

    Review the logs for any error messages or indications of misconfiguration.

  2. Verify the rendered configuration:

    kubectl get cm/kubelet-otel-k8s-infra-otel-agent -n signoz -o yaml

    Ensure that the configuration matches your expected settings, including the SigNoz API key and the OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint.

  3. Confirm that the necessary Kubernetes resources are created:

    kubectl get pods,services,configmaps -n signoz

    Check if the required pods, services, and config maps are running and in a healthy state.

  4. Verify network connectivity:

    • Ensure that the AKS cluster has network access to the SigNoz ingestion endpoint (ingest.<region>
    • Check if there are any network security groups or firewalls blocking the required ports.
  5. Double-check the SigNoz API key:

    • Confirm that the provided signozApiKey is correct and has the necessary permissions to ingest data.