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14 min read
Gargi Ghosal

Kibana is one of the most popular data visualization platforms with its built-in anomaly detection, custom visualization options, or relational analysis. An integral part of the ELK stack, it helps you query and present your data on dashboards in the form of graphs and charts.

But one of the major drawbacks of Kibana is that it can only work with Elasticsearch as the data source. As a result, scaling Kibana independently can be a challenge for organizations. Additionally, its poor support for metrics might lead users to seek alternative solutions.

11 min read
Favour Daniel

DataDog and Splunk are popular monitoring and observability tools that provide a wide range of products with similar features. In this post, I have compared Datadog and Splunk on important features like APM, log management, search capability, etc.


馃挕 I instrumented a sample Python application and sent data to Datadog and Splunk to evaluate my experience. Some takeaways are subjective and based on personal preference.

10 min read
Favour Daniel

New Relic and Splunk are popular monitoring and observability tools that provide a wide range of products with similar features. In this post, I have compared New Relic and Splunk on important features like APM, log management, search capability, application security, etc.


馃挕 I instrumented a sample application and sent data to New Relic and Splunk to evaluate my experience. Some takeaways are subjective and based on personal preference.

13 min read
Favour Daniel

New Relic and Prometheus are popularly used tools for monitoring applications and systems. New Relic excels in providing comprehensive application monitoring solutions, while Prometheus specializes in metric collection.

In this post, I have compared New Relic and Prometheus on important features like data collection, visualization capabilities, APM, data storage, etc.

15 min read
Favour Daniel

Prometheus and Grafana are popularly used tools for monitoring applications and systems. Prometheus specializes in robust metric collection, monitoring, and alerting, while Grafana excels in data visualization and dashboarding. Together, they form a powerful duo, allowing users to monitor their systems effectively, analyze metrics comprehensively, and visualize insights intuitively, but how well do these tools perform individually?


馃挕 I configured a sample PHP application alongside a MySQL database and sent their data to Prometheus and Grafana for evaluation. Some takeaways are subjective and based on personal preference.

9 min read
Favour Daniel

Jaeger is an open-source distributed tracing backend that has been on the market for a while. It was developed by Uber Technologies in 2015 and contributed to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It is designed to monitor and troubleshoot complex distributed systems by providing insights into the flow of requests and responses across microservice architectures.

12 min read
Favour Daniel

Dynatrace and New Relic are monitoring tools that provide a wide range of products and services for monitoring. In this post, I have compared Dynatrace and New Relic on important features like APM, log management, infrastructure monitoring, etc.


馃挕 I instrumented a sample Python application and sent data to Dynatrace and New Relic to evaluate my experience. Some takeaways are subjective and based on personal preference.